Candidate Spotlight: DeAunta'e Clark
Candidate Spotlight: DeAunta’e Clark
Democrat Candidate for Ambridge Council

DeAunta’e Clark is a long-time resident of Ambridge, and has previously served in the US Marine Corps and with Borough Code Enforcement. This is his first time running for a seat on Ambridge Council.
Ambridge Votes (AV): What inspired you to run for a seat on Council?
DeAunta'e Clark (DC): As Code Enforcement I saw a lot of things that needed to change in our community. People wouldn't really listen to me because I was low man on the totem pole. As a Councilman I do believe the things that I have seen in the community I could try and get them fixed. Plus, I have always wanted to get into politics and this is a stepping stone for me to excel and do what I need to.
AV: How do you feel that your experience with the US Marine Corps will assist you in serving the Ambridge community if you are elected to Council?
DC: In the Marines we have mottos that we live by. One is Semper-Fidelis which means Always Faithful. No matter where I go and what I do, Ambridge is my home town and I wear that pride and show it. This is where my roots are, so I will always be faithful to my community. Secondly, I live by the motto that we use Honor, Courage and Commitment! Even though this isn't part of it, I will include integrity. The Marines have taught me patience, how to go about certain situations and how to adapt, conquer and overcome! These are things that I will bring to the table.
AV: Your experience with Code Enforcement gave you an insider’s look at the efforts to overcome blight and shuttered windows in the Borough. Do you have any ideas on how you can use this advantage to improve the quality of life for Ambridge residents if you are elected to Council?
DC: Yes. I feel that we need to be harsher on these absentee property owners and landlords. I have an idea of how we can fix this issue. A place in Chicago used it and their blight issues dropped tremendously. We need to really crack down on these people and we need to make sure that the magistrates back us and help us on this.
"Our council needs to look like our town. We are a diverse community and looking at our council right now, that doesn't show it."
AV: Do you feel that the current Council is functioning efficiently? What changes, if any, do you feel need to be made in the way the current Borough government operates?
DC: Our council has done a good job, but I think it's time for other people to step up and start to turn this town around. We need some younger people that has great ideals to step up and voice what they have. At this present time I wouldn't change anything but like I said we just need younger and more diversity on our council. Our council needs to look like our town. We are a diverse community and looking at our council right now that doesn't show it.
AV: What do you think is the most pressing issue facing the Borough, and what will you do to remedy it if you are elected to Council?
DC: Wow, that's a great question. I think there are a lot of things that need to be done, but there are two things that really stick out to me, and they are the blight situation and the road projects. What I will do is fight to get these things rectified . Like I mentioned before, I will try my hardest to get the blight situation under control, and I know that's not going to happen overnight, but I will do what's necessary to get that done. And as for the road projects, I will fight to get the roads that need to be done, done. I think some of the roads that are on the new list now could've waited . There are other roads that need more attention than those that are being put on the list!
AV: Any final thoughts?
DC: I just want everyone to get out and vote. I'm hoping that I will get the people's votes and allow me to get on Council, and I will show them what I'm about. It's time that we rebuild, repair, and revitalize our town. It's time that Ambridge gets back to the way it was. We need to bring in new businesses and make this a town like it used to be. This community is full of love and Bridger pride. It's time to make a stand, and I believe it can happen with change to our local government! May 16th is around the corner. Please get out and vote. Vote DeAunta'e Clark for Ambridge Borough Council! Thank you!